monsoon has arrived in kerala, but here in Mumbai, I am still waiting. Monsoon rain always gives me nostalgic feeling, taking me back to my child hood,to best days of my life, leaving all tensions and worries. It always washed them away .
Grandpa’s house, monsoon hitting the sand, yelling out of the house along with cousins, just to soak myself , playing with water, till I get that first cough. Returning from school, hands put outside the bus window, raindrops starting to drip, feeling the coldness of water, later splashing at everyone sitting near me.
Uniform fully dirty with mud, face “with an I didn’t do anything look” hearing all the scolding of mom, still playing with that muddy water, overhearing moms complains “ ee nasham pidicha mazha”

First time feeling lost in life, walking alone, enjoying the solitude, , no one might have seen water driping down my face, the rain washed away everything, not giving a trace. Did I tell you why I love rain so much.

Now finally here, far away from the Monsoon and its beauty, I am waiting, who told I don’t love anyone, cant u see I’m madly in love with rain..!
Disclaimer : All the pics uploaded here, i got through google image search, so if any pic wants to be removed, please mail me.
Rains just make you go through so much emotions .. nostalgia, love, pain, peace !! perfect reason to write :)
when ever i think abt rain its my school life that comes to my mind.. exactly what you have mentioned here.. incidents inside the school bus and all..
u r a malayali? didnt know that..
It rained here in Minnesota too.. but nothing compares to a good monsoon as we have in our home :)
take care da... cheers...
i've started substituting d shower for d rain in delhi...its so freakin hot here
aah..the last snap simply made me all nostalgic...i miss the monsoon rains big we all get are mild showers...though i like the rain drops falling on my face..
hey so u r a Malayali?
well i too wait actually miss kerala a lot during this tym...
Rains r reeely so beautiful :)
its all so humid and itchy...
me to waiting for da rains....n i love mumbai rains... :)
I absolutely love the smell of wet earth after the first showers !!
Can Imagine how beautiful Kerala might seem during the monsoons !
Can't say so about Mumbai though :(
Lots n lots of potholes....
@pretty me
very true.. thnk u :)
:) thnk u amal, rain always takes back to childhood memories, yeh i am a malayali :)
yeh..i really miss the monsoon, thnx a lot :)
its freaking hot everywhere in north, that y i am missing my home a lot.. thnx 4 dropping :)
@ mathew
everyone has sme gud memories of monsoon.. :) thx 4 dropping..
@priya joyce
yeh.. rain is always beautiful..
i am a malayali :)thx 4 dropping..
@ all the crap
i heard a lot abt mumbai rains, i am still waiting, dnt knw whn its gonna cme..
@ all talk
:) if u hav seen monsoon in kerala, u wont lov it anywher else, its so beautiful, though i think rain is beautiful everywher..
:) thnk u..
that was so very awesome!
i love the rain too.. :D
and ur words made me go back to those wonderful memories which i had enjoyed in my childhood, in my hometown! :)
I guess only I missed the "thnk u for dropping"... :)
just kidding....
u will love tha mumbai rains..unless ur on ur way to work while its raining... :)
Hey rain is my all time favorite too.. nostalic , sooting, wild , happy , sad ,.. everything can be related to it..
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