March 11, 2010

I Have Learned ....!!! (4)

I have learned that ….. "Moving On" is the most easy word to say, but most difficult to do.

I have learned that ….. You should learn to live alone coz you never know when you will stop trusting people around you.

I have learned that ….. You should be strong enough to face criticism with a smile and move on without it ruining your life.

I have learned that ….. Everyone needs a friend to hold on, but only “Time” will say who the true one is.

I have learned that ….. You don’t have to express everything you feel.

I have learned that ….. Tears are just drops of water, you may not cry every time you feel bad.

I have learned that ….. Just coz you talk to someone doesn’t mean you love them and not talking to someone doesn’t mean you don’t.

I have learned that ….. Doing what you like might bring the happiest days of your life.

I have learned that ….. You should learn to live with the odds.


Rià said...

all that has been said is so true...can identify with most of them.

Arv said...

some of the lessons we learn in life :)

Randeep said...

Nice one. Ya you dont have to cry every time :)


Americanising Desi said...

i m livin with the odds for a long time - now it seems to just become routine!

v said...

also, no matter how crappy things get, it will just be a phase and things get better sooner or later..

Dhanya said...

Good pointers :)

Usha said...

good 'uns!

my take-away from here: 'You don’t have to express everything you feel' well said..

Timeless Memories - My Bygone ! said...

:) thx dear.. i guess it happens to everyone..

Timeless Memories - My Bygone ! said...

:) yeh ... should i say, still learning...!!

Timeless Memories - My Bygone ! said...

:) yeh correct.. let other cry knw?

Timeless Memories - My Bygone ! said...

@Americanising desi
:) it means u learned live already..
i am still in proces..

Timeless Memories - My Bygone ! said...

:) yeh should be.. otherwise it cant b the end rite??
:)thx 4 dropping by..

Timeless Memories - My Bygone ! said...

:) thx dear.. tc

Timeless Memories - My Bygone ! said...

:) even thats my fav.. i actually do that.... !!

Goddess of Nonsense said...

It isn't that hard to move on actually. You just have to convince yourself :)

Anonymous said...

truths abt life are always true.

Unknown said...

love your blogs