October 28, 2010

Timeless Memories..!

Ruminations enthralling my world
Open, yet powerless by the melancholy of the unspoken words
So near, yet far, was it destined this way?
To fade away with the time even before it begin
Only to be remembered for the eternities like a timeless tale.
Leaving me wondering, was it my first love, or just an obsession?


RiĆ  said...

Aah...thankfully i never have to say that about my first love coz he's still by my side. :)

Never the less....very beautifully written.

Anonymous said...

Thats too painful situation.. Beautifully written, few words, very expressive..

Anonymous said...

wow..this reminds me of AHEM AHEM..forget it..wheres the tissue?

MuddassirShah said...

beauuuuuuutiful words.
Your posts dont suggest that you r devil's incarnate.
Either change your poems or change your title or alias or pen name

rantravereflect/ jane said...

i think love is an obsession, but first love is just sweet, n always to be remembered tat way :D

HootieBird said...

you know it was love

Mademoiselle Deva said...

this is so sad... and I can understand you more than you could ever expected...

Lady Whispers said...

Ah....First loves....Sigh i can say the same about mine....I so know the feeling.

Timeless Memories - My Bygone ! said...

@ Ria
:)Hmmm yeh .. thx dear n tc.

Timeless Memories - My Bygone ! said...

:) Thnk u, n thx for dropping by

Timeless Memories - My Bygone ! said...

:) ah its here dear...

Timeless Memories - My Bygone ! said...

:) thnx dear.. thx to my wickedness n devilish activities, i do hav that pen name through my frnds, though i would love to tell ppl that i'm very much angelic..

Timeless Memories - My Bygone ! said...

That true, its like u wil remember forever..!

Timeless Memories - My Bygone ! said...

@ Shadow
:) Yss for sure.thnx 4 dropping by... n welcome to my blog

Timeless Memories - My Bygone ! said...

Ths dear.. thats surely a vry painful phase..

Timeless Memories - My Bygone ! said...

@Scribbling girl
hmmm yep thats something i guess no one wants to pass through..

Anonymous said...

The answer really does ,live inside
with each beating of your heartbeat ,every breath ,you take .
You know it was and is Love